"Blue mooooooon, I saw you standing alooooooone, without a dream in your heeeeaaaaaart, without a love of your ooooooown..." All day, this song has been playing in my head as I looked for beauty in blue. Saw lots of traffic signs in blue, and noticed a huge blue sign for a shipyard for the first time after having driven past it hundreds of times. Funny how that works. Spend a day looking at peoples ears and everyone will start looking like garden gnomes. Try it, it's true!
I also noticed a charming balcony in a row of houses I pass on my way to work:

In the end, I found the most beautiful blue things at home:

In hindsight a rather misguided attempt at ordering books, but still aesthetically pleasing...

An the first of several gorgeous turquoise blue gifts from Véronique...