The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Monday, November 28, 2005

Day 28

Word count: 47,977... only 2,023 words to go.

And how, you ask, can a person close up shop for the night with so few words to go?
No problem. I am ready to sleep. I have some ideas for the remaining 2023 words, but I am going to save them for tomorrow.

The thing is, I believe I want to have the moment of glory with all the trimmings. I want the last couple of words to be typed with a dramatic flourish. I want it to be 11:52 on Wednesday night and 50 words to go. You know what I mean?

I have decided that this must be the reason I am dragging my feet again today in my writing. Everything is falling nicely together - even the granddaughter Sanne, who so rudely pirated my first chapter, gets the last word.

I had a great day with the girls today. Sonia helped me at the grocery store at the check-out by standing on her tip-toes and tossing items from the basket onto the conveyer belt. When she was done, she blew out a sigh of relief and dusted her hands together. It's hard work!

After school we had popcorn and watched Pippi Longstocking, and at bedtime Maddy asked if Sonia could sleep in her bed again. After extracting a promise from Sonia that she would go to sleep immediately (including demonstration of how she would close her eyes), I agreed. As I sat down to write, I heard Maddy singing Sonia to sleep. Lovely.

A happy anniversary to Corine and Shanka - may Rohan soon have a sibling of his own, now that you have a house with bedrooms to fill...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks dear,

Maar plaats voor een kleine???? Ik snap niet hoe we ooit al die spullen in een 3kamer appartement kwijt hebben gekund.

