The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Loose toof

Here is Maddy with a toof so loose, it swung in and out like a little white barn door. Hanging by a thread. For days on end. Needless to say, the suspense was killing us.

Maddy was so excited she could hardly stand it; we all had to look several times a day. I have somehow earned her trust in judging a.) whether the tooth was indeed looser (always say yes), b.) whether she should let me give it a good yank and be done with it already (always say no after a fair amount of teasing) c.) when it would fall out all by itself (always say any day now). This photo was taken on the 12th of May.

13 suspensful days later on the 25th of May, the loose toof finally popped out while Maddy was brushing her teeth. Hurrah! Once you have observed the enormous hole in her smile, please note the soft look in her eyes. The loss of her first top front tooth did something to her. As happy as she was, she needed a little time to adjust to her new appearance. When I saw this look on her face, I remembered the feeling I had when I lost my first top front tooth. Excited, startled, a little bit sad, but mostly amazed that I had changed. And that there was no going back. And everyone in the world could see it! The toof was out. Funny how that works.

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