The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Day 10 (and a half)

Still 15,285, so 1,385 words behind schedule. Aaack. Goodbye V.I.P. lounge!

I actually fell asleep with my head on Maddy's lap yesterday afternoon while she was watching a video, and so my window of opportunity to write closed with a soft thud. Went to massage class last night telling myself that it would do me good to take a day off from scribbling, and it did. But now, of course, I gotta catch up.

Welcome to any new readers! As you may have surmised, you have been shamelessly roped into the onerous task of keeping me on my toes, if only in that I know you might be checking in every day.

I should explain that I began this marathon 10 days ago with a secret fear that I would be tempted to give up at some point (really?!), and so did not alert everybody. The possibility of mass shaming was simply more peer pressure than I could bear (yes, I do realize that this is all projection and taking place entirely in my own head, but there you have it). In any case, two days ago I realized that this possibility was just the leverage I needed to lift me up to where I couldn't possibly back down - hence the second wave of potential readers.

Just finished teaching my last session of Academic Writing for the semester, and will now work diligently on my novel. More later...

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