The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Day 15 and a half

word count: 23,361... 2054 words LESS than yesterday.

Minor setback: computer ate my homework. Four and a half hours of work down the tubes. Must have screwed up in saving my work, despite safety precaution of saving to hard drive and memory stick. Felt positively ill and dizzy for about 45 minutes after I saw what had happened. Checked and double checked. It is really gone. The real stinger is that I actually liked what I had written yesterday. When I grumbled "Stupid computer!", Sonia said "Ach, sweet mama. Sonia fix it!" Bless that girl.

When the going gets tough, the tough... eat grilled cheese sandwiches and bake gingerbread cookies. Desperate times call for major carbohydrate intake. When I tipped over a bag of brown sugar, spilling about two cups on the kitchen floor, I sighed and started cleaning it up. Maddy said "I think it is really good that you aren't giving up." Bless that girl, too.

And now back to the drawing board. Will have to write like a bat out of H E double hockey sticks to catch up.

More later...

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