The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Day 17

Word count: 27,939... 400 words behind schedule.

Am well and truly exhausted again, but made good progress on the story. At a loss as to how to proceed, I skimmed through what I have already - against my better judgement, mind you - and suddenly knew what I needed to do. So much for my better judgement.

Took the time to work out the timeline more precisely, which freed me up to use more historical detail (think word-count padding), and made bold decisions about the plot and sketched them out so that I now have a three line prompt for each of the final(?) four sections of Part 1. Right. Suffice it to say that despite the word count deficit, I feel like I spent my time well this evening.

Both the girls are feeling sick - Sonia has a bit of a fever, and I am sure Madelin isn't going to be far behind. Poor sweeties. Both are so snuggly when they aren't feeling good, so off to bed I go...for I may be up and down all night with them. Have reached the point where madcap attempt at writing a novel feels simply mad.

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