The still moments just after the kids are tucked in...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Day 21

Word count: 36,001... 994 words ahead of schedule! And three quarters of the way done!

Foof, what a day, folks. Four loads of laundry done, four meals prepared (made yummy lentil soup for tomorrow), tidied up the toys twice (why do I bother?), read at least 11 stories aloud (best moments of the day), and managed to get some writing in during Sonia's nap and after I got them to bed. They are both sleeping in Maddy's bed for the first time. They were so set on the idea of trying it, I gave in. We'll see how it goes.

I took the girls into town for a rare shopping trip to the local Hennes and Mauritz (for the U.S. readers, think cheap and trendy). Both of them are growing so fast, I can hardly keep them clothed. I swear Maddy has grown several inches in the last three weeks, and was down to her last pair of reasonably warm pants that fit.

While we were debating on the red or the purple pants, Sonia took off down a side aisle for the second time. I went directly after her, but she had disappeared into thin air. I quickly scanned all of the aisles around us, and went back to Maddy and asked her to help me. We called her name and rushed in and out of aisles of clothes, but no Sonia.

I remembered when Maddy had simply left a store and wandered across a busy square to a toy shop when she was a bit older than Sonia is now. I went outside onto the new square and called her name, thinking she might have been over by the river by that time looking for Sinterklaas!!!

Went back in and asked the manager to help me look. I found her moments later inside a circular rack of long pants. I have never been happier to see her little feet. When I picked her up, she put her little hands on my cheeks and said 'Sonia hiding!', as if to say 'Steady on,'s just a game!'. Right. O.k. Mama was scared.

Regained composure, thanked manager, and paid for two pairs of red pants and two red t-shirts. Won't be able to lose them in those outfits, I tell you.

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